America at Home Study
How Americans feel about and live in their homes since they have been living with COVID 19
The AMERICA AT HOME study was a nationally representative survey of U.S. adults, aged 25-74 years of age, with household incomes of $50,000+/year, conducted online (Wave 1: April 2020, 3,001 responses and Wave 2: October 2020, 3,935 responses). It directly tested consumer sentiment in light of COVID-19 to understand the design changes consumers want in new homes and communities.
Kantar, the world’s leading data insights and consulting company, collaborated on Wave 2 of the study to integrate its MindBase® consumer attitudinal segmentation into the data, exploring specific MindBase segment sentiment about home and lifestyle post-pandemic. The findings underscore the lasting nature of these changes post-pandemic and provide important insights for future home and community design.
As news of COVID developed, and economists, research and consulting firms began sharing predictions and projections about the impact it would have on our society and the economy, no one was asking or talking about what it meant for how Americans feel about and live in their homes. And yet, the majority of the nation was sheltering in place, stuck at home. Seeing this need, and the potential economic and social importance of the findings, we developed and launched this survey to get insights into home and community directly from U.S. consumers.
The national survey was developed and managed by three highly regarded home and community development experts and hosted online by New York-based Gazelle Global Research, to meet defined U.S.-based targets and ensure a credible representative sample. It was a non-biased survey to understand consumer sentiment, not sponsored by any brand.
Wave 2 (October 2020) of the AMERICA AT HOME study vs. Wave 1 (April 2020) underscores lasting shifts in how Americans feel about and want to live in their homes and communities. Click image above to expand. See Wave 2 Press Release.
See results of Wave 1 (April 2020) here.
See Wave 1 Press Release.
As a result of this study, a concept home was built.
America At Home Study Concept Home
Inspired by consumer insights from the America At Home study, the concept home is a physical manifestation of the behavior and perspective changes about how people perceive and live in their homes today. It is believed to be the first home intentionally designed in response to the radical changes spurred by the pandemic. This home is the collective effort of the founders of the study and Dahlin Group Architecture Planning (architect), Garman Homes (builder), and Cecilian Partners (digital customer experience).
To read more about the participants and the media coverage of the project click the button below.
Video Tour of the Concept Home
The America At Home Study Concept Home — Barnaby was recognized as the Grand Award winner at the 2021 Gold Nugget Awards for Best Flexible Floor Plan, with judges recognizing the home as an outstanding example of what happens when the customers' needs drive design.